

What does it mean to be part of the MEV Army Community?

The MEV Army project aims to bring the brightest minds of the crypto community together. Newcomers and veterans alike have much to learn from each other; whether you're a developer or an enthusiast, the MEV Army community is meant to become an educational resource for all aspects of the web3 ecosystem.

In the spirit of our open-source community, MEV Army trait data will live completely on-chain, in hopes to encourage our members to create educational puzzles, challenges, and even derivative projects.

In the past, x0r has created interactive educational events, challenges, and puzzles to teach collectors about fundamental blockchain concepts. The educational mediums have ranged from live-streams to on-chain scavenger hunts with the chance to win a 1/1 NFT. x0r always enjoys thinking of diverse ways to help the community grow.

x0r previously held an on-chain scavenger hunt with these solutions.

x0r previously designed an on-chain puzzle with these solutions.

x0r's goal is to host many more of these events for the MEV Army community.

What is the MEV Army Roadmap?

Many projects establish roadmaps with limited flexibility, which might stifle creativity & innovation long-term. The MEV Army is about web3 education and building layers onto the initial collection (puzzles, challenges, scavenger hunts, educational tools, experimental NFT concepts, and much much more).

In brief, The MEV Army "roadmap" will be a collaboration between my imagination and, of course, yours. To start, here are some experimental concepts:

[1] An official MEV Army Fan Art NFT Collection. A community project where MEV Army holders can vote to mint the best fan art as official NFTs. See x0r Community Creations.

[2] A Smart Contract Investigation channel + live streams where we can explore the latest advancements in NFT smart contract development to understand what's happening under the hood; that way, everyone in our community has access to develop the skills necessary to understand the basis of NFT architecture (even if you don't know how to code). See#contract-investigation channel in Discord.

[3] We are experimenting with mechanisms that will let MEV Army holders represent their ownership on other chains and test networks to participate in on-chain puzzles and scavenger hunts for zero or low costs without needing to move the MEV Army NFT itself. Many on-chain games inhibit participation due to high transaction costs on the Ethereum network. Community members should not need to pay large transaction fees to learn technical crypto concepts and participate. See x0r Quests.

[4] Educational tools to analyze smart contracts, such as a bot to identify where metadata is stored or a bot that can identify metamorphic contracts. See#tools channel in Discord.

[5] Experimental NFTs. See MEV Army Banners.

If you have a great idea for a project that can build on top of the MEV Army, put it in the #mev-builders chat, and we will make it a reality as a team. I placed a few more initial ideas in point 8 of the FAQ. This is only the beginning. As I have said from the start, the dark forest has no bounds, and neither does this community.

What are the 3 Pillars of the MEV Army Community?


Education will have several components. To start, here are a few things that are going to happen:

[1] x0r quests and workshops: We will hold ~45 minute workshops or live streams to discuss specific web3 / crypto concepts. See below for mor3 details on x0r quests.

[2] Guest Speakers: We will bring in guest speakers and experts in the Discord or Twitter Spaces to teach our community about specific web3 concepts (for example, on-chain music with Arpeggi and MEV experts)

[3] Office Hours/Build Sessions: Periodically, we will host office hours or build sessions in the voice channel to answer any technical crypto questions.

Experimental NFTs

This pillar is, as it says, "experimental" and will be developed and extended over time as new ideas about NFT applications are generated. These are only the first few examples of things we are working on:

[1] MEV Army trait data is fully on-chain, making this project composable and easily extendable. To inspire community builders, I am building the first project leveraging on-chain data to create MEV Army Twitter Banners for each MEV Legion. This will be a free claim/airdrop for all MEV Army holders.

[2] I have been developing a UNIQUE concept in on-chain artwork that has not been explored in the NFT space, as far as I know. This NFT will be available on Nifty Gateway, and MEV Army holders will have a WL opportunity to mint this collectible NFT.

xor Quests/Games

We will periodically release guides, walkthroughs, puzzles, challenges, or scavenger hunts on various crypto topics that the community can work on to complete together. For example: Linking ENS Domains to websites and NFT Sleep Minting. In the beginning, you will need to be a MEV Army collector to participate. These "quests" will take place on low-cost or free test networks (such as Rinkeby or Goerli). We are experimenting with mechanisms to represent your MEV Army ownership on different blockchains so you can participate without worrying about risking your MEV, hacks, or expensive transaction fees. This will create a fun and safe environment where people can just focus on participating, experimenting, and learning.
